Caring for your new kitten
Caring for your new kitten
You're getting ready to bring your new kitten
home and it's all very exciting.
When thinking about getting a new kitten, the
last thing on your mind is probably healthcare, but it's a good idea to think
about these things before you collect your kitten. That way, you know what
questions to ask the breeder.
If you've already brought your new pet home,
don't be afraid of getting in touch with the breeder. It's important to know
what treatments they may have used on your kitten.
Here are a few important things to know about
caring for kittens to get you started:
You can vaccinate your kitten against 3
diseases: cat flu, enteritis and leukaemia.
Although the first two are rarely fatal in
adult cats, they can be serious if contracted by a small kitten. The leukaemia
virus can predispose your cat to anaemia and tumours, shortening their life
You can vaccinate most kittens from 8 weeks
of age.
They will need a second vaccination 3 weeks
later. A week after this second vaccination, your kitten will be able to go
outside. However, it is recommended that you keep them inside until they’ve
been neutered.
You should ask your breeder whether they've
treated your kitten for fleas - it's common for kittens to arrive with a few
unwelcome guests.
Fleas are usually found over the back and the
base of the tail. Look out for flea dirt - small black specks that turn red
when placed on damp cotton wool.
Weigh your kitten before treating them for
fleas. Flea treatment for kittens depends on their age and weight. Always check
the packaging, and ask your vet if you're not sure.
It's always worth asking your breeder whether
they wormed your kitten. Roundworms can spread from mother to kitten, so your
new pet will likely have them. And if you have a kitten with fleas, they
probably have tapeworm.
You should worm your kitten every fortnight
from 2 weeks of age until they are 12 weeks old.
Again, choose your worming treatment based on
your kitten's age and weight. Many products can't be used on tiny kittens.
If you're going to let your kitten go
outside, getting them microchipped is a good idea. Cats often travel long
distances and can lose their collars whilst out and about. A microchip will
help trace them back to you should they get lost or stolen.
Microchips are about the size of a grain of
rice and are usually implanted in the back of the neck. The needles can be
quite big for a kitten, so it's worth asking the vet to chip them whilst
they're being neutered. That way they'll be asleep for the whole process.
(amend according to country regulations)
You should neuter your cat if you want to
avoid unwanted kittens. Neutering can also help prevent uterine infections in
female cats.
Unneutered male cats are more likely to get
into fights. This means they're predisposed to abscesses, and Feline
Immunodeficiency Virus (cat AIDS). They're also more likely to wander off or
spray urine in the house.
You can neuter most cats from 16 weeks old,
as long as they're big enough.
A good diet is essential for helping your
kitten grow into a healthy cat. Don't feed them adult cat food - it will lack
the essential minerals they need.
You should feed your kitten 4 times a day
until they are 12 weeks old. Then drop down to 2-3 times a day until they're 6
months old. The guidelines on your food packaging are just that - you may need
to change the amount you feed your kitten based on their activity levels.
Some cats prefer dry food, and some prefer
wet. Some dry food can be good for your cat's teeth, but some cats won't eat it
so do what works for you and your kitten.
Your kitten may be cute, but it's important
to establish boundaries from an early age. Don't let them bite you, or jump up
onto work surfaces.
It's possible to train your cat to come when
called using positive reward-based training. Play games with your cat, and
alternate their toys so they don't get bored. This is particularly important if
you keep your cat inside. A bored cat is a mischievous cat - your wallpaper and
furniture will suffer if you don't provide entertainment!
Most kittens will litter train themselves. If
your kitten isn't using the litter tray, try putting a few trays around the
house. Try different litter materials and don't put the tray near their food
If this
doesn’t work, get them checked by a vet. A urinary tract infection or diarrhoea
might be stopping them getting to the litter tray in time.
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